Όνομα Συνεδρίου:9th European conference on non-destructive testing
The technique of Dielectric Spectroscopy (DS) or Impedance
Spectroscopy (IS) was applied on marbles in order to investigate the influence of
previously applied uniaxial compressional stress and three point bending up to
fracture. Parameters to be measured were the ac conductivity (σac), the real (ε΄) and
the imaginary (ε΄΄) parts of complex relative permittivity when an ac electric field at
frequencies 10kHz and 100kHz was applied upon dry and saturated samples which
were successively subjected to higher levels of mechanical stress.
The experimental results indicate that there are systematic declinations in the values
of the above parameters between the state of stress and the state of relaxation. These
declinations become more intense at higher stress values. It is concluded that the
technique of dielectric spectroscopy constitutes a promising method of investigation
and quantification of the damage that has occurred within the bulk of geomaterials.