The analysis of the contemporary images of
the Greek urban scenery highlights issues of social
cohesion, associated with numerous changes in socioeconomic,
cultural and demographic level. Especially
the wider area of the urban conglomeration of Athens
consists nowadays of several social teams which start
from different cultural origins. To be more specific, the
settlement of economic immigrants the past decade
alters the existing balances, affecting several aspects of
daily life. This kind of settlement is spatially oriented in
urban areas with low rents, some of which are the
urban settlements of the refugees of 1922. As years went
by several constructions and urban regulations were
made so as to host the refugee population. This kind of
‘residential islands’ within the urban scenery are
related with damaged and abandoned refugee-blocks of
flats, lack of social infrastructures and in general
unbearable housing conditions. In most of the cases the
inhabitants of these areas are economic immigrants,
elderly people and families with low income. Taking
into consideration the lack of social housing policy, this
essay is an effort to remind a kind of neglected urban
issue, which is not only related with social cohesion and
housing conditions but also with issues of cultural