This center has been functioning since 1962 and is one of the services that PIKPA provides to children and their families (PIKPA is the greatest national organization concerning the welfare of children in Greece). This study was based on 283 cases (66.3% boys, 33.7% girls) referred for assessment during the last two years, presenting a wide range of developmental and behavioral deficits (mental retardation 22.9%, language disorders 15.6%, psychological dysfunction 18%, learning disorders 55.6%, hyperactivity 7.3%, other disabilities 15.1%). The diagnostic process consisted of critical components such as the social and developmental history as well as the psychological evaluation. The analysis of the data provided led to very interesting results, the most significant of which are presented here.(1) in 50.5% of the cases referred, the initiative was taken by the school, while 22.6% were brought by the parents, and 26.1% were referred by other professionals. (2) Only 11% of the children were referred and diagnosed before entering school, 58.7% were between 5y 6m and 12 years of age, and 31.4% were older than 12 years. (3) Learning disorders was the most common referral reason (55.6%). Focusing on children having learning disorders as diagnosis (35.1%), 29.2% were found to have language problems, and 30.6% language delay at an earlier age. Only 23.6% had mild mental retardation. (4) It is very interesting that 11.7% of the children had no prob-lem or handicap of any kind. The very significant conclusion of the present study is that most of the deficiencies children present have a neurodevelopmental base, which makes them easier to detect at an earlier age and successfully treated before entering school. Therefore emphasis must be given to early detection.