Evaporative pads and fogging were compared with regards to resulting air temperatures inside a growing swine
building and reduction of apparent growing swine heat stress. Four strategies were studied via simulation, namely: strategy
‘a’ = no cooling, strategy ‘b’ = use of evaporative pads, strategy ‘c’ = use of fogging with the same amount of water
evaporating as within the evaporative pads, and strategy ‘d’ = use of fogging with the necessary water evaporating so as to
result in the same intensity of heat stress as strategy ‘b’. Indices such as the THI, the number of hours that the THI was above
85, and the duration and intensity of heat stress were used. Among all, strategy ‘b’ was considered the most effective, because
it resulted in smaller daily inside dry−bulb temperature variation, maximum reduction of apparent heat stress intensity, and
lower total consumption of water.