A new tensor statistic, the dispersed-phase structure dimensionality Dp, is defined to describe the preferred orientation of clusters of discrete bodies. The evolution of Dp is calculated via direct numerical simulations of passive, Stokesian particles driven by initially isotropic, decaying magnetohydrodynamicturbulence. Results are presented for five magnetic field strengths as characterized by magnetic interaction parameters, N, in the range 0–50. Four field strengths are studied at a grid resolution of 1283. The strongest field strength is also studied at 2563 resolution. In each case, the externally applied magnetic field was spatially uniform and followed a step function in time. Particles with initially uniform distributions were tracked through hydrodynamicturbulence for up to 2800 particle response times before the step change in the magnetic field. In the lower resolution simulation, the particle response time, τp, matched the Kolmogorov time scale at the magnetic field application time t0. The higher-resolution simulation tracked ten sets of particles with τp spanning four decades bracketing the Kolmogorov time scale and the Joule time. The results demonstrate that Dp distinguishes between uniformly distributed particles, those organized into randomly oriented clusters, and those organized into two-dimensional sheets everywhere tangent to the magnetic field lines. Lumley triangles are used to demonstrate that the degree of structural anisotropy depends on τp, N, and the time span over which the magnetic field is applied.