The introduction of pre-storage leukoreduction in the preparation of standard RBCs intended for transfusion provided significant improvement in the quality of labile products and their post transfusion viability and effects, although the literature data are controversial. To elucidate the issue of the probable leukoreduction effects on RBCs storage lesion, we evaluated various storage quality measures in RBCs stored in either leukoreduced (L) or non-leukoreduced (N) units, with emphasis to senescence and oxidative stress associated modifications. Our data suggest that the residual leukocytes/platelets of the labile products represent a stressful storage factor, countering the structural and functional integrity of stored RBCs. Hemolysis, irreversible echinocytosis, microvesiculation, removal signaling, ROS/calcium accumulation, band 3-related senescence modifications, membrane proteome stress biomarkers as well as emergence of a senescence phenotype in young RBCs that is disproportionate to their age, are all encountered more or mostly in N-RBCs compared to the L-RBCs, either for a part or for the whole of the storage period. The partial, yet significant, alleviation of so many storage-related manifestations in the L-RBCs compared to the N-RBCs, is presented for the first time and provides a rational mechanistic interpretation of the improved storage quality and transfusions observed by the introduction of pre-storage leukoreduction. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Integrated omics.