This paper presents the successful integration of the evaluation
engine of Mooshak into the open source learning management
system Claroline. Mooshak is an open source online automatic judge that has been used for international and national programming competitions. Although it was originally
designed for programming competitions, Mooshak has also been serving as an on-line system for competitive e-learning
in a number of programming courses. In order to investigate
how it could be integrated into more effective e-learning, thus solving in parallel managerial and communication problems, we incorporated its automatic evaluation engine into Claroline’s
Assignments tool. The enhanced Assignments tool allows remote evaluation of students’ source code submissions
in the same e-learning environment where the remaining educational sources and users’ data exist. This integrated
tool saves time spent by tutors evaluating code and enhances
learning in the framework of a well elaborated instructional
approach based on automatic judgment of students’ programming
assignments. Although the integration raised many interesting
technical issues, in this paper we concentrate on the usage of the tool, rather than on its internals.